I'm having some post-show blues. It was beautiful and it was sad to see it come down but this means that the next chapter of my life is less than a month away. It's a scary thought to leave Montevallo after calling it home for over 4 years. It won't be too hard to leave because not many of my friends will be here after December. I don't think about it too much because I'm busy trying to finish up this semester right. Probably the most difficult project I really really need to finish is my Studio Photography portfolio. It was the class I really put off a lot of stuff to finish my show. In the past week or so, I've really caught up and even finished a few prints. I don't really have a whole lot to do but once it's all finished I'll be DONE DONE DONE. Walk across that stage and grab my degree. hootie--hoo.
In a Peace Corps update...I heard from the Placement Office and they told me they needed an updated resume and my final transcript. I faxed my resume on Friday and plan on sending them my final transcript as soon as I get my grades on Dec 10th. Let's cross our fingers and hope that I hear back from them soon after that. I would love to be able to share the news by Christmas.